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Registration Portal Development

Customized Registration for your Suppliers

Need a Registration Portal?

E Industries develops, implements, and manages custom registration portals.  Potential suppliers are able to register with your company, allowing your designated personnel to track, manage, and correspond with both diverse and non-diverse suppliers as needed.  The portal is hosted on our secure servers, but accessed through your company’s existing web site and designed to match its style, look, and feel incorporating company logos, color schemes, and appropriate content provided by you.


In addition to standard general information and demographics, you have the ability to request the potential supplier s to provide information that is important to your company operations.  Our system also allows potential suppliers to upload certificates and other documents, such as capability statements and product lists.


Standard Portal Features

  • Professional registration look to users and administration screens for management

  • Ability to capture General Corporate Information, Demographics, Product Codes (NAICS, SICs, UNSPC), Certification Information (upload of certificates), References, and Attachments.

  • Daily Technical Support

  • Customized Reporting – export to Excel

  • Conversion of records from existing system

508 Compliant Solutions

In 1998, Congress amended the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to require Federal agencies to make their electronic and information technology (EIT) accessible to people with disabilities. The law (29 U.S.C. § 794 (d)) applies to all Federal agencies when they develop, procure, maintain, or use electronic and information technology.


Well, E Industries is ready!  Our solutions are already compliant and ready for anyone to use our sites and solutions!

On the Phone

Customized Corporate Portal Development

Looking to have your own portal for your company?  We can offer the following to your organization:


  • Customized Corporate Template/Scheme

  • Database designed to meet corporate fields and data requirements (e.g. vendor numbers, business rules, etc.)

  • Custom Registration Questionnaire

  • Notifications to Commodity Managers

  • Certificate Expiration Alerts

  • Digital Signature to Confirm Profile Entries

Ready to Order and Customize Your Portal


E Industries is an award-winning web, technology, consulting, and business solutions firm designing solutions for small, medium, and large clients worldwide.


Our focus is to yield solutions that are effective, educational, evolved, easy, equitable, effortless, emerging, enhanced, errorless, enterprising, and engineered for success. 


MBE Certified

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